In 2007, Patrick Donohue launched the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation (SJBF), a non-profit dedicated to prevent, identify, treat and eventually cure brain injury.
SJBF’s first task was to develop a comprehensive plan, The Pediatric Acquired Brain Injury plan (PABI), to treat brain injury across the country.
SJBF created The International Academy of Hope (iHOPE-Academy) in 2013 when Donohue realized there was no appropriate school for Sarah Jane. The only school in NYC for students with brain injury, iHOPE-Academy is transforming the way children with brain injuries are educated as well as changing the way the world understands and treats brain injury.
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Weight Lifting
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Personal Massage
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Young Veterans With Brain Injury
The lack of programs for Young Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury is disheartening. SJBF and PABI want to change this.
Over 5,000 veterans/family of veterans will be hired by PABI Plan
Over 1 Million service members under 25 served.
Over 350,000 service members sustained TBI since 2000.
over 50% of homelessness have suffered a brain injury and 11% of all homeless people are veterans.
More than 20% have suicidal thoughts after a TBI and nearly 20 veterans commit suicide EVERY day.
20-30% of veterans returning from Iraq or Afghanistan may have a brain injury and discharge rates for substance abuse were 2.6 times greater for mild TBI and 5.4 times greater for moderate TBI; 43% of combat veterans with TBI complained of pain.
Brain Injury and Opioid Epidemic
Patrick writing op-ed piece,
google image search opioid and brain injury
The Sarah Jane Brain Registry
Created for families of those with brain injury and the professionals who work with them.
The purpose of the SJB Registry is to gather information about everyone affected by PABI and then convert the anonymous statistical information into a format usable by researchers in order to determine what works and what doesn’t as it relates to treating pediatric brain injuries. Personalized content within the SJB Registry will also be provided to enrolled families in order to help them better understand their condition and how to get help.
THE MISSION of The International Academy of Hope is to transform the manner in which educational services are delivered to students with brain injuries.
The goal of our model is to help each student achieve the greatest independence and highest functional level possible at school, home and in the community.
THE MISSION of The International Institute of Hope is to transform the manner in which educational services are delivered to students with brain injuries in this country and abroad.
Primarily practiced in Europe, this intensive multi-disciplinary approach to education encourages students to internalize intended movements and achieve maximal independence.