Doctors at the Kluge Children’s Rehabilitation Center are getting parents, healthcare providers, and teachers to talk about patient treatment.
They started a discussion on how to best transition kids with brain injuries from the hospital to the classroom. Doctors say traumatic brain injury is one of the top causes of death for their young patients, and it’s something that often goes unrecognized by parents and schools.
Pediatric Neuropsychologist Dr. Peter Patrick explained, “Healthcare systems and educational systems end up being two of the largest for the children. Yet the emphasis on how to bring them together in an effective way and an efficient way is just not one of the current focuses.”
Sara Jane Brian Foundation Events Manager Leslie Mabry said on Saturday, “For children to go back to school it can also sometimes be very difficult and both parents, students, teachers, the entire community really needs to know how difficult it can be.”
The Kluge Rehab Center treats more than 100 inpatients with brain injuries each day.